John Riley

John Riley plays in the Giants Fantasy Camp League to stay sharp for Giant Tournaments as well as the Nationals and is a returning co-captian of Team 5.  "JR" not junior, continues to play ball at the young age of 49 to prove to himself that he can still play.

After playing baseball for so many years, JR continues to be one of the top players in the league as well as the most durable. 

Coming off of shoulder surgery three years ago now from an injury obtained at Fantasy Camp in Scotsdale, AZ, JR finally feels that his shoulder is almost at 100% if not already there.  After playing in the outfield two years ago to help with healing his shoulder, JR returns to shortstop for a second season where he continues to provide excellent defense up the middle.

JR has played in the 30 and older league in San Jose from '97-2001.  He played in the Nationals 30 and older division in '98 and '99, and played in the 48 and older division in 2003.  As you can see, JR plays as much as he can.

Married for 22 years to Patty, together they have three children.  Two daughters, Alley and Kelly.  And a son, Sean.  Over the years Patty and JR have played on co-ed softball teams together, coached a bunch of softball/baseball teams and have attended tons of softball/baseball and basketball games with which their children have been involved.

It appears to me, that JR shows no signs of slowing down.  It has been my pleasure to play ball and coach with JR for the past two season and I look forward to the many more years ahead!

 © 2005