Notible Stats

Michael Simon 2-3, 4 RBI's 2BB's
Steve Bennett 2-5, 2 RBI's

Giants Team 5 Rally for Fourth Consecutive Win

It was a cloudy afternoon as the winds began to pickup. The grass was swaying in the breeze, the dirt was flying through the air. The sound of baseballs snapping into gloves, bats tumbling about and the chatter of friends filled the ballpark. Two teams prepared to play a game they love so dearly. This was a classic matchup between the Giants, and their rivals from across the bay, the Athletics.

It was eerily quiet as the first pitch was thrown, and that's how the game would play out through the first three and a half innings of play. Dave Jemes of the A's handling the Giants, and Heath Keller of the Giants handling the A's.

The Athletics finally were able to push three runs across the plate in the bottom of the fourth. It seemed that's all the A's would need as Jemes was pitching a great contest.

But, a single from Steve Bennett to lead off the top of the fifth would be the spark that would push two runs across the plate after a 2 RBI double by Dennis SanFilippo. The Giants were back in the game.

Little did the Athletics know, but they had scored their last runs. Keller hold ground in the fifth, as the Giants would push across two more runs in the sixth to take a 4-3 lead.

Bill Wineberg and John Riley would both walk to lead off the inning, and would later score on a 2-RBI single to right.

Tom Sanfilippo pitched a scoreless sixth and seventh.

The Giants walked away with a 5 spot in the eighth with big hits from Tom Sanfilippo, Bennett and Michael Hughey.

The Giants added three more runs in the ninth on another 2-RBI hit from Simon giving him 4 RBI's in the game.

Michael Simon wrapped up the game on the mound in the
eighth and ninth.

Final Score Giants 12 Athletics 3.


Box Scores © 2005