Notible Stats

Adam Schneider 2-3, 2B, 2 RBI
John Riley 2-5, 2 Runs Scored
Heath Keller 2-5, 2B, 3-RBI
Dennis Sanfilippo 2-4
Mooch Hughey 2 Runs Scored
Angie Simon 1-2, 1 Run Scored

Heath Keller gets the Win and the save striking out 9

Game 1- Team 5 vs. Team 3

The 2005 Season finally began.  It was a great day to play baseball.  Not too warm, not too cold.  Everybody was in high spirits and looking forward to the new season. 

The A's versus the Giants.  After the first pitch was thrown, the novalty of the beginning of the new season was over, and everybody was out to get a "W" in the win column.

After giving up a first inning run, the A's seemed to bear down a bit to hold the Giants scoreless until the 4th.  Having scored 3 runs in their half of the first inning with two singles and a double off of Giants starter Heath Keller, the A's were clicking.

The forth inning was a different story.  Mike (Mooch) Hughey led off the 4th with a single.  Was moved over to second on an excellent sacrifice bunt by Angie Simon and ended up scoring on a double to right by Adam Schneider.  Team 5 ended up deadlocking the score at 3 and never looked back.

Keller, shutting down the A's after giving up three in the first, struck out 9 during his first 5 innings of work.

As Team 5 jumped out to a 9-3 lead after 5 1/2 innings of play, it looked all but over at that point.  The A's didn't see it that way.  They battled back over the next 3 innings and scored 4 runs.

Going into the bottom of the ninth, the A's were down 9-7.

Keller, coming back for his 6th and final inning of work, retired the side after giving up 2 hits in the inning to earn not only the win, but the save as well.

Next up for Team 5, Team 2 on March 20, 2005!

Box Score © 2005